

Advocacy in Action | Home Health Services

A member was being billed over $4,000 for home health services. The member was very upset as he did not have money to pay the charges. He called The Purple Card® to see what they could do to help. The Patient Advocate contacted the home health service provider and the carrier’s claim department ...

Advocacy in Action | Updating Insurance Cards and Recovering Claims

A member called into Purple Card because she had received a bill for $4,138.75. She believed she did not owe this amount to the facility because her insurance plan should have paid some if not all of the amount. The Patient Advocate reviewed the bill and contacted the provider’s billing office ...

Advocacy in Action | New Coverage Call Ahead Assistance

A member’s medical coverage was being changed from one plan to another and the carrier’s system was not yet updated to reflect the new benefits or eligibility information.  The member had several scheduled appointments for tests and procedures and needed the help of their Patient Advocate to ...

Advocacy in Action | HRA Reimbursement

A member desperately needed surgery and was very concerned because the surgical center was requesting a $2,000 upfront payment. The member had no idea how he was going to come up with the money on such short notice. He called The Purple Card® for help.  The member’s insurance plan had a $5,000 ...

Advocacy in Action | Assistance with Anesthesia Bill

A member’s daughter had a history of seizures and her pediatric neurologist recommended an MRI be completed.  Due to the child’s young age, sedation was required to perform the testing.  The MRI testing was arranged and scheduled at an In-Network hospital.  The testing was performed by ...

Advocacy in Action | Help Understanding Coverage

A member’s wife was having a baby. She had already had several prenatal visits, and the member was calling to see if a birthing center they planned to use would be covered under their medical insurance plan. The member also had questions about a supplemental medical gap plan (medical gap ...

Advocacy in Action | Member Cost Liability

A member reached out to the Purple Card because of a notice that she had received from her insurance company. It looked like they had shipped her $1,000+ medication and she had yet to provide authorization. Just as any person would be, she was concerned about being liable for the cost of the ...

Advocacy in Action | Dental Bill Assistance

A member contacted Purple Card about a billing and refund issue she was having with a dental office. Her husband had received dental treatment and services. At the time of the visit, the dental provider asked him to pay $433 for the services. The dental office filed the claim with the dental ...

Advocacy in Action | In Network Status for Inpatient Treatment

Imagine, your child is having severe mental health issues. You can’t help so you have to send them to an inpatient facility to get the help that they need and deserve. Then, the facility claims to be out of network. Claims are being denied and the facility tries to bill you thousands of dollars ...

Advocacy in Action | Scheduling Assistance

Our Patient Advocates are serious about service. As an independent resource, they are available to our members to help them resolve any concerns about their benefits program.  They can assist with concerns about claims, patient referrals, balance bills, enrollment delays, or any benefits issue. ...

Brinson Benefits