

Behavioral Health in the Workplace

Mental Health Awareness Month is officially observed in May and is especially relevant this year as everyone is continuing to deal with the impact of the pandemic. New research on Behavioral Health Issues in the Workplace was published by The Standard and recently presented in a webinar by Dr. ...

Advocacy in Action | Anesthesia Bill Assistance

A member contacted The Purple Card® because she received an anesthesia bill showing she was being balanced billed for $900. The member sent a copy of the bill to her Patient Advocate because she wanted to understand why the provider was sending her a bill. The procedure had been pre-authorized ...

Advocacy in Action | Dentist Billing Refund

A member knew that something wasn’t right with how her dentist was billing. She thought she was due a refund but her provider would not give it to her and she needed help…Purple Card help! Her patient advocate reviewed her bills, her explanation of benefits and stayed in communication with her ...

Scam Alert | Beware of PreTexting

Earlier this afternoon, two Purple Card clients independently reported that a team member of theirs received a fraudulent phone call. The callers represented themselves to be with a company contracted by the health plan for their prescription benefits and made it sound as if they already knew ...

Advocacy in Action | Prescription Appeal Assistance

A member was having a problem filling a brand name prescription medication she had been taking for the last 4 years. A formulary pharmacy benefit change had been made to the insurance plan and the cost of the brand name prescription medication had risen several hundred dollars. Because of the ...

Advocacy in Action | Negotiating Unexpected Claims

A member contacted The Purple Card® stating that she had just received a $621 balance bill from a provider‘s office for anesthesiology services. The member was unhappy because she had gone to an in-network doctor for the surgery and the member believed everything related to the surgery would be ...

Advocacy in Action | HR Relief

The Purple Card recently received an email from a Human Resource Director. She was so excited about the feedback that she was getting from her employees. Employee benefits are one thing she does not have to worry about! Because of The Purple Card, she won’t have to worry about employees going ...

Ready to Face COVID-19 Together | A Message from our CEO

Dear Brinson’s family of clients and friends, As we all navigate our response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and these challenging times together, our heart of advocacy is alive and well and extends to the safety and well-being of you, your employees and our own teams. I couldn’t be ...

Prevention & Treatment of the Coronavirus

There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including: Avoid ...

Advocacy in Action | Requiring Proof for Denied Claims

A member contacted her Patient Advocate for help with 4 bills being denied by the insurance carrier as not covered under the plan. The Patient Advocate reviewed the bills and plan details and then contacted the insurance carrier to find out why they were denying coverage. The carrier told the ...

Brinson Benefits