

Virtual Onboarding: Welcome from Afar

In real life (IRL), a good first day at a new job may include donuts in the break room, a slew of in-person introductions and a load of branded company swag (mouse pad, coffee cup and pens). Companies have had to rethink their orientation process due to the increase in new hires starting day ...

Unpacking Severance

The global economy has suffered since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Many businesses have had to come up with creative solutions to address declines in business such as furloughs, pay cuts or freezes on matching retirement contributions. The goal is that a temporary change ...

Managing from Down Under

The days of waiting for your manager to provide play-by-play instruction have fallen by the wayside in favor of “managing up,” a term in corporate-speak that simply means “managing your manager.” Dana Brownlee, renowned leadership influencer, defines “managing up” as an employee “customizing ...

MOOCs: Free, Ivy-League Education

The quote “once you stop learning, you start dying” is attributed to the great inventor Albert Einstein. The sentiment is a good reminder for those who put their educational pursuits on hold last year when the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic swept across the world. You may have been thinking ...

Leading through Burnout

The World Health Organization (WHO) expanded its definition of burnout as an “occupational phenomenon,” giving credence to a set of conditions that many have experienced but not been able to name. According to WHO, burnout is characterized by “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; ...

The Ketchup Question: Building Diverse Teams

“It’s the right thing to do.” This simple conclusion was an early driver for HR professionals and hiring managers to add diversity initiatives to their recruitment strategies. Next came a slightly more nuanced line of reasoning – research study data showed a correlation between diverse employee ...

At the Corner of Diversity and Talent

When thinking of increasing diversity at work, recruiters may target applicants from a specific group or “candidate pool.” For example, a financial services firm may create a “Women in Finance” program for high school students to attract female candidates to their private wealth practice. This ...

Employee Assistance Program Myths Debunked

Does this sound familiar? You receive an email from your HR department reminding you of access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and without thinking twice, you hit delete. It sounds confusing, and heck, you have medical benefits so why bother? While Employee Assistance Programs have ...

When Boundaries Collide: Holidays & COVID-19

The holidays are often associated with friends, family, and food. It is a great excuse to get folks together whom you may not have seen all year. Calendars resemble a bingo card as celebrations fill dates for weeks, if not months, in advance. Historically, the biggest obstacle you had to work ...

Pandemic Performance Reviews: Should They Stay or Should They Go? Part 2

In the latter half of this two-part series, we pick up on some additional reasons employers decide to halt performance reviews due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and resulting workplace changes. As a recap, part one addressed waiting until things go back to “normal” and not wanting to ...

Brinson Benefits