

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Creating a Culture that Promotes Trial and Error

Leaders’ reactions to mistakes can shape an organization’s culture. Blame-based responses often lead to resentment and unproductive behavior, while blameless cultures foster learning and growth. Leaders in a blameless culture focus on understanding the root causes of issues and taking ...

Dear HR Manager from Struggling Manager

Dear HR Manager, How do I give my team feedback without a performance review? I am a new manager, and I can see that several of my team members need guidance. I don’t want them to think I am picking on them, as I have experienced those uncomfortable conversations. I want to be a good... ...

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Encouraging Employee Growth and Engagement: Embrace Passion Projects

In today’s evolving work landscape, organizations recognize the value of encouraging employees to pursue passion projects. These projects go beyond regular job responsibilities and allow individuals to explore personal interests and talents. By embracing and supporting passion projects, ...

Dear HR Manager from Key Questions

Dear HR Manager: My team needs to be more consistent when we are interviewing and want to ask key questions to develop a well-rounded view of the candidate and compare answers. What are three key questions to ask when interviewing job candidates? – Key Questions Dear Key Questions, Conducting ...

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Gen Z: The Future of Work is Face-to-Face

Generation Z – people born between 1997 and 2012 – have had a difficult start to their career. The COVID-19 pandemic rocked the world just as these workers joined the workforce. Instead of “suiting up” for the office, many started their careers from home or in a hybrid structure. Many have ...

Dear HR Manager from Big Idea

Dear HR Manager, My team’s workload has increased exponentially, and we need a dedicated project manager. I want to propose a new position, but also want to be the person in that role. How do I pitch this big idea to my boss? – Big Idea Dear Big Idea, The best way to prepare for...

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Radical Offboarding

Employers put effort into communicating their brand to attract new talent. What if you put the same amount of effort into offboarding voluntary departures? Turn each exit into an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of departing team members. Employee exits are a natural part of the ...

Workplace Culture | Storytelling: Do You Hear the Beat?

Stories are all around you. People tell themselves stories all the time. Your manager, teams, and clients are 22 times more likely to remember new data if it is wrapped in a story. They are the glue that holds your ideas together. But people tend to spend little time purposefully honing ...

Dear HR Manager from Ready for a Mentor

Dear HR Manager, I am a few years into my first job and want to find a mentor. How do I find someone who will help me at this stage of my career? – Ready for a Mentor Dear Ready for a Mentor, Mentorship has evolved. Today, instead of one life-long mentor, savvy employees are...

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | The ABCs of Inclusion

Described as “death by a thousand cuts,” microaggressions damage work culture and employee satisfaction. Over time, these insensitive statements, actions, or assumptions can make employees feel excluded and marginalized. Countering microaggression is an “all-staff” issue. Creating a culture of ...

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