

Generational Myths Part 3: Gen X

Today’s offices potentially span five full generations ranging from Generation Z to the Silent Generation. A coworker could just as easily be raised with a smart phone in hand as they could have used a typewriter at their first job. Some see differences between generational colleagues as an ...

 Learning to Say No

Relationships are key at work. Case in point – the people you work with are likely a big reason you took your role and may be the reason you left your last job. In fact, research shows that 75% of employees leave jobs because of one person – their boss. So, it is not a...

A Simple Approach to Difficult Conversations

The beginning of the year is synonymous with reflecting on the past, identifying new resolutions and, ahem, performance reviews. And while you tried your best this year to give spot feedback and accolades when due, you find yourself in the position of having to give difficult feedback to an ...

Generational Myths Part 2: Millennials

Today’s offices potentially span five full generations ranging from Generation Z to the Silent Generation. A coworker could just as easily be raised with a smart phone in hand as they could have used a typewriter at their first job. Some see differences between generational colleagues as an ...

Microaggressions: Discrimination in Disguise

According to a recent Glassdoor study, 61% of participants had experienced or observed workplace discrimination. It could be a combative remark, a snub in a meeting or a backhanded compliment communicating a negative view of someone’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or age. The term ...

Generational Myths Part 1: Generation Z

Today’s offices potentially span five full generations ranging from Generation Z to the Silent Generation. A coworker could just as easily be raised with a smart phone in hand as they could have used a typewriter at their first job. Some see differences between generational colleagues as an ...

How To Responsibly Recruit for “Cultural Fit”

Your first candidate interview of the day just flew by and you didn’t even pick up your pen. You have so much in common with the candidate that you chatted effortlessly. You both have two daughters, a love for hockey and you both grew up in a small Midwest town. You leave the interview ...

Delegation: Turn Task Management into a Teaching Moment

In theory, delegation sounds amazing. Do you want to pass off work to someone else so you have more time for other projects? Yes, of course you do. In practice, delegation is more complicated. It involves giving up control, something that may feel difficult for a new manager or someone with ...

Grief: The Underbelly of Change

A big raise, a colleague relocating to a different office, and training on a new client onboarding system… all three of these items have one thing in common: change. Initial reactions run the gamut. A big raise may mean you rally the troops for a celebratory happy hour, while losing an ...

Water Cooler Talk Goes Online

Water Cooler Talk Goes Online Does your daily work routine today differ from pre-pandemic times? If you asked workers whose main work location moved from a busy office to their home address, the answer is likely a resounding “Yes!” You lost regular occurrences that may not have seemed special ...

Brinson Benefits