

Exit Interview Gold

Departing employees are a wealth of information. Unfortunately, exit interviews are often treated by HR as a box to be checked rather than a treasure trove of insights. In today’s technology-heavy corporate world, it has become commonplace for employers to skip this important conversation with ...

Healthcare Deductible & Definition Drama

Do you search for a discount code before confirming an online purchase? Or cut coupons out of the weekly paper? If you are shaking your head yes, you are akin to the 92% of respondents in a 2019 Valassis study who reported using coupons. Let’s be honest…It feels good to get a deal. For some,... ...

The She-Cession: An Unwanted “Ladies First”

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic affected our work lives in unprecedented ways…workers furloughed, jobs lost, businesses closed, bedrooms converted to home offices. While the Great Recession of 2008 more negatively affected men’s employment rates, the numbers reported last year tell a ...

SMART Goal Revamp

January brings chilly winds from the north and often marks the beginning of a new fiscal year for many in corporate America. Some use this month to prepare annual employee goals. The business climate caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 forced many companies to decide overnight how to ...

More than Reasonably Priced Furniture: The Ikea Effect

You may shudder recalling the last time you ordered something online, and it arrived in individual boxes with a lengthy set of instructions and an Allen wrench. Believe it or not, a team of Harvard researchers conducted a study on products that involve a do-it-yourself component. You may wonder ...

HRIS Clean-Up: Bad Data In, Bad Data Out

What would you say if I told you Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) have been around since the 1980s? It’s true. The use of software to organize and store employee data gained popularity during the dot.com era and continued to grow as the role of human resources evolved – from that of an ...


A health savings account (HSA) is an often-misunderstood savings vehicle that gets confused with a flexible spending account (FSA). Until you understand some of the benefits of an HSA, you too may overlook benefits including triple tax savings, investment options and portability. HSAs were ...

Invite New Rituals into Your Workday

If you put a magnifying glass up to the disruption at work caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it is a change management issue at its core. And generally, humans do not like change, especially when it comes as a surprise with little or no choice in the matter. We are creatures of ...

Acronym Overload: FSA & OTC Explained

Medical insurance terminology can be confusing. Then the healthcare industry adds in a bunch of acronyms and your confusion can turn to frustration. Consumers may choose to click past these letter- heavy headlines. Employees may put on blinders during open enrollment instead of investigating ...

What HR Teams Need to Know About Productivity Monitoring

Even before the pandemic, remote work was trending upward. From 2017 to 2018, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that 28.8 percent of college graduates were working from home for all or some of the work week. After COVID-19, that percentage has skyrocketed—roughly two-thirds of the ...

Brinson Benefits