
Grief: The Underbelly of Change

A big raise, a colleague relocating to a different office, and training on a new client onboarding system… all three of these items have one thing in common: change. Initial reactions run the gamut. A big raise may mean you rally the troops for a celebratory happy hour, while losing an ...

Departments Issue Interim Final Rule on Group Health Plan Cost and Pricing Disclosure

Read time: 5 minutes On November 17, 2021, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and Health and Human Services (HHS) (collectively, the “Departments”), with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), issued interim final regulations (IFR) to provide guidance ...

360 Feedback: Help Me, Help You

In Corporate America of days past, the entire feedback process consisted of a once-a-year conversation led by your boss. The goal was to keep it short and painless – like a shot at the doctor’s office. Since then, a series of bells and whistles were added to make it more frequent, more ...

What Employers Should Know about the OSHA Vaccine Emergency Temporary Standard

  Read time: 30 minutes Federal workplace safety officials just released the mandate-or-test workplace vaccine emergency rule, and employers are sure to have questions. The Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) developed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will require ...

Mentorship Starts with Mentees

Successful business leaders often thank their mentors publicly for the impact they had on their career. Strong mentoring relationships are proven to help mentees (the employee seeking mentorship) in numerous areas, from increased job and company satisfaction to higher pay and more rapid ...

Compliance Recap | October 2021

October was a relatively quiet month in the compliance space. While we are still waiting for the U.S. government to release the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard on the COVID-19 vaccine mandate and guidance on broker compensation disclosures, here are the highlights of happenings in October. ...

Water Cooler Talk Goes Online

Water Cooler Talk Goes Online Does your daily work routine today differ from pre-pandemic times? If you asked workers whose main work location moved from a busy office to their home address, the answer is likely a resounding “Yes!” You lost regular occurrences that may not have seemed special ...

The Adverse Effects of Buzz Words on Hiring

Jargon is commonplace in the business world. Take job descriptions for example. Different companies and industries latch onto distinct phrases in their write-up of the environment, role, and requirements. Those “in the know” may interpret this word choice as validation that they are a good ...

Working the Coach Approach into Your Leadership Style

As a manager, you shoulder the responsibility of leading your team to accomplish big, hairy goals. When deadlines are tight, your gut instinct may be to get it done quickly as possible. So, you use a directive style to tell employees exactly what to do, leaving little room for error. While this ...

The Myth of Done

“I am so busy.” This is a standard response if you ask a handful of people how work is going. For many, busy is a positive response. It implies they are needed at work and passionate about what they do. But for others, this busyness feels more like an anchor pulling them down, like they...

Brinson Benefits