
Dependent Coverage | 2018 UBA Health Plan Survey Trends

Dependent enrollment increased significantly, by 35.2%, from 44.3% in 2017 to 59.9% in 2018. This was a reverse of the trend seen in previous years of decreased dependent enrollment. This could signal a trend to watch, as individual or Marketplace premiums rise quickly with the sunset of the ...

Deductible Costs | 2018 UBA Health Plan Survey Trends

Following initial assessments, median in-network deductibles for single coverage remained steady across all plans for 2018 at $2,000, although median in-network PPO deductibles increased from $1,500 in 2017 to $2,000 in 2018. The overall median out-of-network deductibles for single coverage saw ...

Compliance Recap | July 2019

July was a busy month in the employee benefits world. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a notice that expands the list of preventive care benefits a high deductible health plan can provide without a deductible or with a deductible below the annual minimum deductible. The IRS also ...

Enrollment by Plan Type by Region | 2018 UBA Health Plan Survey Trends

PPO plans have the greatest enrollment in the Central U.S. (beating out the West region from 2017, which saw a surprising shift by employees to CDHP plans this year). The Northeast continues to have the lowest enrollment in PPO plans. After several years of decreases, HMO enrollment is on the ...

New HDHP Preventive Care Benefits

In response to the President’s Executive Order 13877 “Improving Price and Quality Transparency in American Healthcare to Put Patients First,” the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2019-45 to expand the list of preventive care benefits that a high deductible health plan (HDHP) can ...

Plan Type by Region | 2018 UBA Health Plan Survey Trends

When looking at plans by region, PPO plans are most prevalent in the Central U.S., however they generally dominate nationwide, except in the Northeast where CDHPs are most prevalent. As a member of United Benefit Advisors, we can provide you with data from the nation’s most comprehensive ...

Costs by Organization Size | 2018 UBA Health Plan Survey Trends

Generally, larger groups (those with 200 to 1,000+ employees) pay more than average per employee due to more generous benefit levels. Despite these employers’ ability to negotiate better rates (and the fact that, unlike small groups, they are not required to comply with age and community ...

Compliance Recap | June 2019

June was a relatively busy month in the employee benefits world. The Department of Labor (DOL), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Department of Treasury published final rules that removed the prohibition against integrating a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) with ...

Costs by Industry | 2018 UBA Health Plan Survey Trends

The government/education/utilities sector has the priciest plans, at $11,943 per employee, virtually unchanged from last year. Total costs per employee for the construction/agriculture, retail, hospitality, and health care sectors are all lower than average, making employees in these industries ...

Get Ready for the Class of 2019

It’s June, and that means that across the country college seniors have donned caps and gowns and are preparing to enter the workforce. They’ve got good reason to be optimistic. CNBC reports that companies are looking to hire 16 percent more graduates than they did in 2018. In fact, ...

Brinson Benefits