Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reporting Services

About IRS 6055/6056 Reporting

Employers providing health coverage may be required to report specific information to the IRS about individuals offered/covered by a group health plan and must also provide a statement to those individuals.

  • Who must report?  
    • All self-funded employers (includes level funded plans) must report regardless of the number of employees employed.
    • Fully insured employers who employed 50 or more full-time equivalent employees (FTE) during at least half of the previous calendar year must report. NOTE: other requirements may also apply. Use the Full-time Equivalent Employee Calculator to find out if you are an Applicable Large Employer
  • When are the deadlines?
    • March 2, 2025: 1095s to employees/responsible individuals
    • March 31, 2025: if e-filing 1094/1095s to the IRS electronically

About Brinson’s ACA Reporting Services

Brinson offers easy, affordable and flexible ACA Reporting Services. 

If your organization is unsure of where it stands with respect to ACA reporting compliance, Brinson Benefits, Inc. can perform a free ACA Penalty Risk Assessment to diagnose risk areas in your compliance strategy and get you on track.

Brinson Benefits